Rich Perry returns to talk about podcasting, including tips on getting started, maintaining your creative momentum, and the benefits of podcasting. More at www.bemovingforward.com.
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Rich Perry
Listen or watch episode 409 on Spotify (Spotify app required to view the video)
Getting started with podcasting
Rich Perry is a prolific content creator and now, four-time guest alum of the podcast. Recently, Rich shared his tips and best practices for getting started as a writer for this year's writing series (see MF 377). That episode serves as a precursor of sorts for today's conversation. As Rich shares on today's episode, podcasting was a natural outgrowth of his being a contributing author to a joint venture (JV), a collection of short-form pieces written by experts across many different fields. Rich used podcasting, drawing on his prior experience as a radio broadcaster in college, to help promote the JV by recording conversations with the various JV authors to spotlight their works. Thus, podcasting was an extension as well as a viable marketing tool for the book.
Later, Rich would go on to create several podcasts, including 10-minute mentor, in which he would have conversations with experts to spotlight their expertise; sharing best practices to help his audience develop skills and find the confidence to try different things.
Tips for getting started
When it comes to getting started, Rich emphasizes having a clear goal when launching a podcast, tying it back to his own journey as a podcaster and author. As Rich explains, a podcast can be a great way to promote and market a book to the right audience or can serve as a testbed for ideas if you're starting out as a writer. Podcasting is a powerful medium that can both promote a project's end result or help its creation. For more on goal setting check out our conversation on MF 322. For more on picking a topic and identifying a goal as well as a result for a podcast, check out MF 406.
Rich also shares a great tip for vetting your podcast's concept, something I talk about on MF 408. Before launching your show, you can get real-time feedback from would be listeners by polling them on social media. As Rich explains, since podcasting is catered to an online audience, most of your listeners will likely overlap with those who follow you on social media and vice versa. Thus, you can get feedback on your podcast topic and format to help craft your show.
Getting over your fears to launch and keep up with with content
When it comes to getting over your fears or doubts, Rich shares an important perspective. It's easy to get caught up in your own head when it comes to putting yourself out there, especially with a podcast. Often, we see examples of highly successful podcasters or content creators and question our own ability (or gall) to try something in the same space. Rich reminds us that success comes in many forms. There are countless examples of successful podcasts that come in all shapes, and sizes, both big and small. Don't confine success to how many listeners you have or whether you have sponsors for your show. Often, success and the rewards of doing a podcast come gradually over time. For Rich, having a podcast has opened the doors to speaking engagements and in general, being seen as an expert in his field.
Rich also recommends finding a supportive network within the podcasting community whether online or at events like Podfest. Notably, Rich and I connected after being invited by mutual friend and noted figure, Winnie Sun to be featured experts on podcasting for her Level Up with Winnie Sun show. Since then, we've guested on each other's podcasts, and shared best practices to update and enhance our respective shows (see 10-Minute Mentor episode with John Lim).
As Rich shares and exemplifies, podcasting is hard work. It's an endeavor that requires patience, consistency, and commitment. However, if you stick with it, your efforts can pay off with great dividends, both immediate and long term as well as tangible and intangible.
For more podcasting wisdom from Rich, check out MF 409.
Other Moving Forward episodes with Rich:
MF 322 : Rich Perry talks creating content and setting smart goals for 2021
Also, be sure to check out my guest appearance on Rich's show 10-Minute Mentor, in which we also talk all things podcasting :
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What I’m reading / read
Dopamine Nation (audiobook) by Anna Lembke (****)
Audiobook narrated by John
Get the Audiobook of I Am a Professional Metalhead, by Angelo Spenillo and narrated by John for free with a trial to Audible.
Get a free trial to Audible and I Am a Professional Metalhead (Audible affiliate).
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The Corporate Cliches Adult Coloring Book: makes the perfect stocking stuffer or white elephant gift.
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