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MF 400 : Celebrating episode 400

Writer's picture: John LimJohn Lim

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

Featuring Starr Ridley, Winnie Sun, Fred Brandon, Angelo Spenillo, William Christopher Ford, Rich Perry, Debby Le, Ashley Waters Gordon

Today, we celebrate episode 400 with eight returning guests, including Starr Ridley, Winnie Sun, Fred Brandon, Angelo Spenillo, William Christopher Ford, Rich Perry, Debby Le, and Ashley Waters Gordon. John also shares his thoughts on reaching episode 400 and what's ahead for the podcast. More at

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Listen or watch episode 400 on Spotify (Spotify app required to view the video)

We celebrate episode 400 with eight returning guests and four questions:

  1. What are some of the biggest changes (in your life or career) since you were last on the podcast?

  2. What is your best tip for moving forward in 2022?

  3. What does 400 mean to you?

  4. Any upcoming projects you'd like to share and how listeners can connect with you?

Starr Ridley

  1. Biggest change: Starr is currently moving to Florida.

  2. Moving forward in 2022: "Be open." Starr explains that the pandemic a lot of rifts and separation, especially with so many of us being isolated working from home. Now that we are getting together again, "be open to all and any options that become available to you."

  3. 400: For Starr, 400 represents diligence, perseverance, and is a sign of true success.

  4. Upcoming projects: Starr recently completed a co-starring run on The International Immersive Theater's production of The Queen's Ball: A Bridgerton Experience, produced by Netflix Fever and Shondaland. Starr will next be continuing her acting and voiceover work in Florida.

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Winnie Sun

  1. Biggest change: Winnie has experienced tremendous growth over the past five years and today has her own television show, which airs on NASDAQ, Amazon Fire, and Roku. She has also gained new clients while deepening relationships with existing ones.

  2. Moving forward in 2022: "Don't get left behind." There's a lot going on in the world and in the news and with that, increasing worry and anxiety. Winnie reminds us that it's important to look at the big picture. In other words "don't get so tied up in the day-to-day that you forget that at some point, you're going to want to retire." To that end, work with a professional if you need to, to help plan out your financial future.

  3. 400: This number represents time spent cultivating new contacts and relationships; putting together a "brain trust" that allows you to learn and grow.

  4. Upcoming projects: Winnie continues put time and energy into her business, signing more clients with a new suite of offerings. Winnie and her team are also expanding, eyeing several acquisition prospects.

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Fred Brandon

  1. Biggest change: Since our first conversation, Fred has gone on to expand her expertise into blockchain and cryptocurrency, becoming a noted figure in the space. He's written and published two books, and recently launched the FLAMES Foundation, a 503(c) nonprofit that supports STEM education and financial literacy for the next generation.

  2. Moving forward in 2022: "It's about being able to pivot, making sure we have the ability to grow." Fred further explains that this means understanding and accepting that your path may be different than one you originally intended.

  3. 400: If you think of school, 400 is a level of mastery that transcends basic understanding.

  4. Upcoming projects: Fred is knee deep in the blockchain, cryptocurrency and web3 space. His mission to help everyday individuals like you and me better understand its applications. Fred does this through his speaking engagements, writing, and education initiatives, including with and through the FLAMES Foundation.

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Angelo Spenillo

  1. Biggest change: Angelo has been a constant throughout the run of this podcast, having made numerous appearances on the show. He has pivoted his career upward, consistently and constantly. Since his first appearance, he has written an award-winning book, and just recently accepted a new role as head of legal affairs at Plex, an entertainment streaming company. Angelo also recently moved to Colorado where he built a new home with his wife.

  2. Moving forward in 2022: "It's an old school kind of tip ... I've gotten back into writing notes, in meetings, taking notes, planning things out, writing it out as opposed to having it in my head." Angelo cites The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins as inspiration for why this old school tip has helped him move forward by writing things down.

  3. 400: A long journey filled with lots of growth and evolution. Angelo has experienced this in his career and contributed to that as a featured guest star on multiple episodes of the podcast over the years.

  4. Upcoming projects: Angelo has just started his new role at Plex and is loving every minute of it.

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William Christopher Ford

  1. Biggest change: Since his last appearance on Moving Forward, William continues to teach martial arts and act. He recently signed with a new agent and is auditioning for featured and co-starring roles on shows like Yellowstone. He is continuing to produce his documentary series 52 Masters, in which he speaks and trains with different martial arts masters across different disciplines. You can catch flashback clips of William from his role in Karate Kid III on two episodes of Cobra Kai season 5, currently airing on Netflix. In his personal life, William just welcomed a new grandson.

  2. Moving forward in 2022: "Gratitude, and consistency, and don't give up." William recently had a serious traffic accident with a bus and thankfully survived with no major injuries. William reminds us with this experience not to take anything for granted.

  3. 400: In 2014, William did a benefit for St. Jude's Children's Hospital, which also happened to be William's 40th year in the martial arts. The event was called "40 Rounds for 40 Years," in which he sparred in 40 one-minute rounds. Thus, the number 4 has a significant meaning for him. In addition, William is reminded of the movie 300, noting that 400 is 100 more than that!

  4. Upcoming projects: After completing 52 Masters, William is planning to do a spinoff called Masters Evolution, which will be more of a travelogue program. William also recently appeared in two prominent martial arts magazines and hopefully, we will see William make an appearance on a future season of Cobra Kai!

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Catch the latest episode of 52 Masters

Learn more about William

Rich Perry

  1. Biggest change: Since Rich's last appearance on the show, Rich has returned to a MBA program that he started last year. He took a small break to focus on other areas and is now back, putting his full focus on the program. Through the program, Rich is branching out to studying new areas like innovation and strategy for high performance organizations.

  2. Moving forward in 2022: "Find whatever works for you to stay focused, to practice good time management, to stay on track." Rich recommends finding a daily planner that works for you. Over the years, Rich has experimented with many different planners but over the summer he met the creator of the Lifey quarterly planner, which acts as a daily planner with personal development and life goal components.

  3. 400: Hitting 400 for any content creation endeavor is a culmination of time, effort, and energy.

  4. Upcoming projects: Finishing the MBA program.

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Debby Le

  1. Biggest change: Debby is continuing with her burgeoning law practice, and her real estate and renovation business, having signed more clients since her last appearance. She is also expecting and due to give birth in seven weeks!

  2. Moving forward in 2022: "Really delegate a lot more to my team and crew ... relying on others and trusting that they're going to do a good job and take over when you need them to." Debby knows herself and knows when to stop, when to rest, and more importantly, how to delegate to a trusted team. This is the key to her being able to keep moving forward with all of her endeavors and succeed.

  3. 400: For Debby, 400 is the main highway in Atlanta, off of which several of her projects are underway right now.

  4. Upcoming projects: Debby is continuing to juggle her law practice with her blossoming real estate business, having signed several new clients.

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Ashley Waters Gordon

  1. Biggest change: Ashley was recently interviewed by TIME about her Poshmark business while continuing to juggle motherhood (six kids), and med school.

  2. Moving forward in 2022: "It's a constantly changing world between the economy and business and for me, medicine. I think we have to stay on top of things on whatever our focus is. Have the most current information so we can adapt our business." Ashley also shares this sage advice, "I think it's going to be even more important than it has been in recent years to network and connect with others to get back into the real world community."

  3. 400: "Celebration comes to mind!"

  4. Upcoming projects: Finding med school and hopefully traveling more!

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What's next?

Today, we celebrate episode 400 with eight returning guests. On the one hand, 400 is just a number. I try to put my best efforts into each episode, every week whether it's 4, 140, 204, 314 or 400. On the other hand, I recognize that reaching 400 or any 00 number is significant. In planning the celebration for today's episode, I was reminded of something important that I've talked about on past episodes: have the exit in mind when you start. When I began, I didn't think about an ending as I was too busy keeping my head above water. It was only a few years ago that I looked at the bigger picture; at the arc of this podcast journey, including when and where it would end. After much deliberation, I came to a decision that made sense both for me and the show.

And today, I'm ready to share that decision with you. Moving Forward will end at episode 500. That means we have 100 more episodes, including conversations, insights, and lessons to explore. I plan to make the most of these episodes for me and you. Whether you've been with me since the beginning or just recently discovered this podcast, I hope you will join me for the next 100 and find the knowledge and inspiration along the way to move forward.

My books on Poshmark are now available on Amazon

Check out the Moving Forward mini-series collection

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What I’m reading / read

Audiobook narrated by John

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  1. The Poshmark Guide for Individuals and Small Businesses -and- The Poshmark Journal for Individuals and Small Businesses are available on Amazon.

  2. The Corporate Cliches Adult Coloring Book: makes the perfect stocking stuffer or white elephant gift.

  3. Try out Audible (affiliate link).

  4. Try out Amazon Prime (affiliate link).



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