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MF 398 : September 2022 updates (welcome to new listeners, Poshmark updates, plans for the fall)

Writer's picture: John LimJohn Lim

Today, John checks in with a September update, including a welcome for new listeners, a recap of the summer 2022 movie series, a brief overview of Poshmark updates, and plans for the remainder of the season. More at

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September 2022 updates

Welcome to our new listeners!

If you're new to the podcast, welcome! I really appreciate you peeking into this show and hope you find the episodes helpful, entertaining, or small reprieve within your busy day. As we're in the ninth season with over 400 episodes (including bonus and multi-part episodes), I'll give you a simple roadmap to follow:

  • Episodes 001-201 (2015-2018) are largely interviews or conversations with different guests, including entrepreneurs, thought leaders, artists, and more.

  • Episodes 202-272 (2019) focuses on topical collections, which are available in the mini-series page.

  • Episodes 273-present (2020-today) are a mix of solo episodes that cover life, tech and business hacks, a look at things I'm working on with takeaways and lessons, plus updates on prior topical collections such as Poshmark. You'll also find a mix of conversations with invited guests, and new topical collections, including this year's writing series and the summer movie series.

With the exception of the topical collections, there's no specific listening order. You can start with almost any episode or use the mini-series page to find collections that interest you.

The 2022 summer movie series

I really enjoyed this year's summer movie series, albeit truncated due to the mid-season break. The Summer 2022 movie series collection is now available in the miniseries homepage, along with last summer's.

Poshmark updates

In the coming weeks, I'll be covering some new updates to Poshmark, including three that I'll briefly mention today.

  • Select All: Last year, Poshmark introduced the much-requested "bulk share" feature to enable easier sharing of large closets to followers and at parties. For an overview of this, check out episode 353 or The Poshmark Guide for Individuals and Small Businesses. At the time, I said it was near perfect, about 90%. Recently, over the past two months, Poshmark has added the final "10%" to bring this feature to perfection with the "select all" button. I'll be going over this in greater detail on a future episode but for now, you will see a "select all" option with your bulk shares.

  • Counter with the offeror's last offer ("boomerang"): As I've covered on the Poshmark miniseries and in my book The Poshmark Guide for Individuals and Small Businesses, Poshmark is a marketplace with bids, offers, counter offers and negotiating in between. Recently, Poshmark has enhanced this with what I call the "boomerang" option. If a potential buyer submits an offer and you counter it, you can override your counter with an offer that matches the buyer's last offer. For example: say you list an item for $100, a Posher offers $60, and you counter for $80. You now have the option to override your last counter with a new offer that matches the buyer's last bid at $60. I'll be covering this more on a future episode.

  • QR codes: on the mid-season finale (episode 388), I covered how to create QR codes from your phone or website. In the past month or so, Poshmark has added a QR creation feature natively to the app. You'll find it among your administrative options below "My Shoppers." A QR code allows any user with a smartphone to scan the code and link right to your store. You can add these to business cards, posters, documentation, email signature lines and more. The native feature is easy and takes a few clicks to generate a unique code for your Poshmark store. If you wish to create a QR code for your Poshmark affiliate-referral link, use the steps covered in episode 388. For more on Poshmark, check out the miniseries and my book The Poshmark Guide for Individuals and Small Businesses. I've also listed the resources below.

Episode 400 is coming soon! 😳

Yikes! I'm coming on my fourth "00" anniversary. If you listen to the prior episodes, I've done different celebrations for each one, some big, some small. I'm not sure what 400 will be but I will have at least one announcement about the podcast. Stay tuned!

Plans for the fall

While I'm procrastinating on mapping out episode 400, I can tell you what I'll be covering in the fall:

  1. Poshmark update episodes: this will go more in depth on the new features, including the three I briefly mention today.

  2. A new podcast miniseries: with my recent migration to Anchor, it's time to update the podcast miniseries. Rather than adding to the existing one, I'll be creating a new one to reflect how to go about it in 2022. In the meantime, most of the information on the 2019 series is still relevant.

  3. I may have a few more conversations with invited guests. Please do not pitch or solicit to be on the show. Since Moving Forward is mostly a solo podcast, guests that are appear are carefully curated and by invite only.

  4. I'll conclude the season with a December 2022 holiday episode.

Lots of great content in store for the remainder of season 9 so stay tuned!

My new books on Poshmark are now available on Amazon

Poshmark resources

Check out the Moving Forward mini-series collection

Get your news with Morning Brew (free)

  • Morning Brew (affiliate link): a fantastic free newsletter that's a quick read and a great way to get your morning briefing on what's happening in the market, the economy, and the larger world.

What I’m reading / read

Audiobook narrated by John

Support the Podcast

  1. The Poshmark Guide for Individuals and Small Businesses -and- The Poshmark Journal for Individuals and Small Businesses are available on Amazon.

  2. The Corporate Cliches Adult Coloring Book: makes the perfect stocking stuffer or white elephant gift.

  3. Try out Audible (affiliate link).

  4. Try out Amazon Prime (affiliate link).




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