Today, I kick off the 2022 summer series with a must see blockbuster that's still lighting it up in theaters: Top Gun: Maverick (2022). More at www.bemovingforward.com.
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Note: the summer movie series will air on Fridays.
Nostalgia done right
Top Gun: Maverick (2022) is a staggering achievement, blending groundbreaking visual effects with a compelling story that pays homage to its source material. Tom Cruise leads an ensemble cast about an veteran pilot who must train a group of Naval officers to fly a dangerous mission. The movie has grossed $1.3B worldwide, and over $650M domestically, making it one of the top ten highest grossing films of all time. It has received mass praise from long time fans, critics, movie watchers who have never seen the original Top Gun (1986), and even those who didn't like the first film! This is a film that deserves to be seen on the big screen.
The good:
Groundbreaking visuals, including breathtaking cinematography, showcasing new filmmaking technology.
A simple, yet compelling story that is told effectively and confidently.
A proper balance that pays respect to the original film while building upon the mythology with new characters and storylines.
The bad:
I would have liked to have spent more time with the newer characters and learn more about their backstories. A minor nitpick and something that will likely be rectified if there are future sequels.
***** (out of five)
Where you can watch Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Currently playing in theaters (see showtimes).
Pre-order Top Gun: Maverick on digital or physical media.
Get the original Top Gun (1986) on digital or physical media.
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What I’m reading / read
Bomb Shelter (audiobook) by Mary Laura Philpott (****)
Out of the Corner (audiobook) by Jennifer Grey (***)
Audiobook narrated by John
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