Alissa Carpenter joins us to talk about working from home during the COVID-19 self-isolation period and how to manage some of the stresses and challenges that come with it. www.emovingforward.com.
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Webinar tomorrow (March 19th, at 11 am ET)

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Alissa’s tips for making the transition to work from home during self-isolation
Set a routine
Making the transition to working from home can be tough, especially if you’re not accustomed to it. Moreover, managing childcare and being home with your spouse or significant other can make that even more challenging. Alissa shares that setting routines, schedules, and to-do lists with 2-3 tasks to accomplish can help offset the uncertainty you may feel.
Find a virtual community
Staying connected is important and with technology, you can still find communities with people to keep you motivated and on track. Both Alissa and I are part of the #winniesun tweet chat community which is where we first met. In addition, Alissa shares there are many Facebook groups to help you with work or productivity tasks or parenting.
To do lists
With the extra time, it’s can often feel confusing, overwhelming and lonely. One way to fill some of those extra hours is to do those chores that have been on your list for a while that you’ve back-burnered such as organizing your desk or in Alissa’s case, her spice rack.
You can, if you feel up to it, also take on larger projects such as writing that book you’ve been meaning to start. However, be gentle with yourself. You may not feel you’re in the right headspace to take on something that large.
Disconnect from social media
We are now bombarded with messages from friends, family and 24-7 news and social media posts about the current COVID-19 crisis. Everything from the latest outbreak news to funny memes can make you feel an emotional roller coaster. Take time out to disconnect from social media. I did this a few weeks ago and today’s episode reminds me that I may need to get back on track with that. Alissa shares that smartphones now have timers to help you monitor your app usage on everything from social media to text messaging. If you have a spouse or significant other that you’re at home with, he or she can also be a great accountability partner to help you stay disconnected when needed.
Reach out
While disconnecting from social media and the news may be healthy, we still need to stay connected to those closest to us. Do reach out to people, family and friends, especially those you may not have spoken to in a while. Sometimes it’s sharing a text, other times it can be a call.
Acknowledge your emotions
We’re all experiencing the uncertainty and insecurity of the times. Being at home, self-isolating and concerned about family and friends, and those who cannot self-isolate carries with it many emotions. It’s ok to feel sad, lonely and frustrated. You can talk this out with a close friend or partner, you can take walks or go for a run while practicing safe social distancing. Whatever you’re feeling, know as Alissa’s twitter handle reminds us it’s “ok not to be ok.”
Practice self-care
Whether it’s exercise, stretching, playing with your kids or meditating, it’s more important than ever that we practice self-care.
For more on tips on working from home and managing work remotely, join Alissa’s free webinar tomorrow at 11 am ET
Register here (replay will be available for those who cannot attend).
Additional resources
Alissa’s LinkedIn article (“7 Ways to Stay Emotionally Healthy During Difficult Times (and What Organizations Can Do to Help)
Pre-order Alissa’s book: How to Listen and How to Be Heard: Inclusive Conversations at Work
Subscribe to Alissa’s podcast Humanize Your Workplace
Past interviews with Alissa on Moving Forward
Episode 141
Episode 226
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