In this episode, I talk about “blocks” – writing blocks, roadblocks and mental blocks that hit around this time of year and why it should be part of your moving forward formula. www.bemovingforward.com.
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Embracing your “blocks” even if you can’t move forward
This week, I’m feeling a bit stuck. It’s the February / March lull, that nether region between the long end of winter and the first peek at spring. The days are still short, the weather is still cold, albeit topsy turvy and that New Year’s energy to conquer goals and kick-ass feels like it’s running on empty.
This creeped into my podcast. I did about 4 or 5 takes, scrapping each one, trying to focus on a topic. I had several in mind but the words just didn’t find their way to the mic, at least not the right ones.
So, I scrapped it. I took a deep breath, stretched and decided to embrace the “block.”
I’m in a block right now. I’m knee-deep in preparing my taxes, trying to find time (and audio space) to record an audiobook and get started on my next book. So, when it came time to record the podcast, I felt like I didn’t have enough “left in the tank,” so to speak, to be energetic and creative.
I decided it was time to embrace the block. This week, I share why being in a “block,” or hitting one, can be part of your content and message. It’s a normal part of any long-term journey, be it writing a book, a blog or a podcast.
The key is not to turn off the mic and risk never coming back. It’s to turn it on and talk about it. Turn the block into a point of conversation, which can be the basis for a piece of content.
Embracing your blocks
A block can feel like you’re hitting your head against the wall trying to be creative or productive. Or, it can feel like a haze. Below are some ways I’m able to reset and if not break, then embrace the block:
Take a break to walk, stretch, or get some fresh air.
Meditation (I like the Calm app for this).
Call a friend.
Listen to good music: as my life feels like it’s been an improvisation, I’ve been drawn to jazz, in particular John Coltrane.
Keep perspective: no matter your struggles or blocks, you have it better than so many in this world.
Once you embrace your blocks, you can find ways to make them part of your content and journey. Talk about it, explore it, dissect it and pull out any interesting revelations or conclusions to share. You never know what you will unearth when you crack the rock or rather, the block.
This is how I keep moving forward even when I don’t feel like I am.
What I’m reading / read
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason (***1/2): the classic book that uses Babylonian stories and parables to shed light on important financial concepts that are the bedrock to investing. Not the most riveting book structure or style-wise but the lessons are what make this a must read.
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The Corporate Cliches Adult Coloring Book: makes the perfect stocking stuffer or white elephant gift.
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