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In this bonus episode, I share additional tips for ensuring smooth sales and transactions on Poshmark. More at www.bemovingforward.com.
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Best practice tips for ensuring smooth transactions and happy customers
Yesterday, we took a deep dive into how transactions work on Poshmark, including some best practice tips on shipping and customer communication. As an addendum, I’d like to share some additional insights and tips to make the most out of your Poshmark selling experience.
“All sales are final” is part of your responsibility
In contrast to Amazon, Poshmark is more seller protective. Generally, all sales thru Poshmark are final, whether the buyer accepts the item right away or waits the three-day inspection period. The one exception is if there’s a major problem with the item; specifically, that it does not match the description or is severely damaged.
This is why it’s on you as the seller to be upfront about the condition of the item, especially if you’re selling used items from your closet. Be transparent and over-communicative about flaws, damage, or scuff marks, both in your description and photos.
For new items, you have a responsibility to communicate with prospective buyers and answer questions in a timely manner and as thoroughly as possible. For my Dad’s business, this means fielding lots of questions about sizing. Even though sales are final, you don’t want to sell something that’s not going to fit the buyer. You won’t last long as a seller if you do. When it comes to sizing questions, we not only answer them as thoroughly as possible but use the photos to showcase things like size, measurements, etc. (this is why I use 7 instead of 8 photos per listing).
The ecosystem protects buyer and seller
Last week, I talked about why you should not respond to messages that invite you to transact outside of the Poshmark ecosystem. One of the big reasons is to ensure that your sales are conducted in a safe and legitimate manner (i.e. that you get your money!).
Case in point: let’s say a buyer submits an offer and you accept. If the person has a payment issue such as insufficient funds, an out of date credit card, etc., Poshmark will halt the transaction and inform the buyer. You don’t have to do anything. The buyer will have 24 hours to update their payment method so the transaction can go thru. Within that period, the buyer may decide he or she doesn’t have enough funds or cannot buy at this time, in which case the item goes back on the market for sale. This is one of the ways in which the ecosystem protects you as the seller.
Some best practice tips for sellers
Communicate with your buyer: Confirm the shipment of the item and thank your buyer for his or her business.
Don’t push your buyer to accept or leave a review/rating: If the buyer doesn’t accept the item immediately, don’t panic or assume anything. The buyer has a 3-day inspection period. Whether he or she decides to accept early (and thereby release the funds early) or wait out the period, it’s up to him or her. Once the 3-day period has passed, the funds will be transferred into your account on the 4th day. Similarly, don’t push your buyer to leave a rating or review. If a buyer is happy with the purchase and wants to express it, he or she will do so.
Don’t promise delivery dates: You can’t guarantee when a package will arrive in front of a buyer’s doorstep. You can only inform the person when you can ship out the package and provide general guidelines. While USPS priority shipping is generally 2-3 days, sometimes it may take longer. You can’t control if there’s a delay so don’t promise what you can’t.
That said, be prompt with sending out orders: While you can’t control when a package will arrive, you can control when you ship it out. To stand out as a Poshmark seller, be timely in sending out your orders. Try to get your packages to the post office the same or next business day.
Reminder: if you wait too long, Poshmark will cancel the transaction and no one will be happy.
Pack with care: Whether big or small, treat each sale as if it were your first and your biggest. Take a moment to remember how you felt when you first sold an item and got a positive review. Pack items with care and gratitude, and send each one out with positive vibes.
For those selling as a side-hustle or side-business
Designate time blocks: You may not have lots of time during the day, especially if you run a business or have a full-time job, to check your Poshmark account. Set aside 30 minute or 1-hour blocks to check and respond to questions and most of all, to respond to buy offers.
Create a work-friendly workflow: If you are doing this as a side-hustle, your lunch break may be the optimal time to take packages to the post office. Figure out where the nearest post office is from your home and your office and decide which is the better and more convenient location. Ask if they have an after-hours drop off slot for packages if you’re taking after work. Designate time blocks within your workday or after, to drop off shipments.
Try to devote at least 30 minutes a day to your Poshmark business: You don’t have to work on it 24-7. The key is organization. Carve out time blocks to respond to questions, share items, attend Posh parties (we’ll cover these later), and packing and shipping items you sell.
Use the vacation setting: for those days when you’re too busy to devote to Poshmark, use the vacation setting which will temporarily close your online store. People can still browse and post questions, they just won’t be able to buy until you come back. Be sure to ship out any pending orders first before you “close up shop” for a few days. It’s not just for when you go on vacation but a great way to put the brakes on when you’re super busy and can’t attend to your store.
Get my starter tips for Poshmark
The Poshmark Guide -and- The Poshmark Seller Journal
Learn how transactions work on Poshmark
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