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John Corcoran is a former Clinton administration writer and recovering lawyer turned entrepreneur. Today, John shares the key to building a business based on real relationships.
Successes at a glance:
Former Clinton White House administration writer
Recovering attorney
Co-founder of Rise25, which helps entrepreneurs and businesses put together conferences and events to maximize relationship building and reach
Author of several books on business and entrepreneurship
John’s story:
John started his career as a Clinton White House writer, in the Washington, DC area. Following this, he became an attorney. His journey started as a straight line of politics to law. During legal practice, John started a law blog but didn’t gain much traction with it. He then explored his two underlying passions: writing and relationships. John’s journey ultimately took him out of law and into the world of content creation and later, business. Today, he is a podcaster, author, and co-founder of Rise25, a company that focuses on helping entrepreneurs and businesses reach their maximum potential thru meaningful engagements, both in person and online.
John’s big why:
John’s big why is relationship building. Plain and simple. It’s the through-line at the heart of his career and entrepreneurial path.
Biggest challenge today:
John connects with people from all walks of life and all over the world. Many reach out to him, inspired by his content. John shares that the biggest challenge is getting them to overcome self-limiting beliefs. People reach out to John seeking more with their lives and businesses. However, many hold themselves back, feeling they’re not worthy. They impose barriers that don’t really exist or are larger than they really are.
Moving forward past that challenge:
It starts with cultivating a relationship. As John shares, it’s all about “being of service, not leading with a sales pitch.” This calls back to John’s big why: relationships. Relationships aren’t built off selling a service or product to someone when they’re being vulnerable with you about their insecurities. It’s about having a conversation, being of service and taking those first steps to chip away at those barriers that are holding them back. One big revelation John shares is that being of service doesn’t have to be something huge or burdensome, nor does it have to be tied to your vocation. Sometimes the simplest acts of kindness can go a long way towards bridging those connections.
Knowledge bursts:
Biggest mistake you see people make when connecting on LinkedIn:
People either lead with a sales pitch or no pitch whatsoever. John gets 40-50 connection requests a week without any message or context. Give a reason why the other person should want to connect with you.
Favorite gift to give for the holidays:
A gift certificate for Cloud 9 Living: experiences and adventures (e.g. wine tasting, salsa dancing class).
John gave his wife the gift of an indoor skydiving experience.
Share one small step or choice you’re making today to move forward:
Be proactive about constantly developing his network, primarily with LinkedIn, podcasts, and events. Remind yourself to never stop because when you stop, you stop growing.
Relationship and networking tip:
Start locally at a coffee shop with 3-5 people in your circle.
Support the Podcast:
The Corporate Cliches Adult Coloring Book: makes the perfect stocking stuffer or white elephant gift.
Try out Audible (affiliate link).
Try out Amazon Prime (affiliate link).
Who is John in five years:
John enjoys what he’s doing right now. He would be happy if he’s doing the same thing: helping business professionals connect in a deeper way, more meaningful way.
Parting wisdom:
“Hey guys, go out there, connect with someone, get outside of your comfort zone, go to an event or invite some people in your local community to get together with you over lunch or coffee … You’ll be glad you did: you’ll enrich your life, it’ll do great for your business, you’ll get massive ROI.”