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Deirdre Breakenridge is a speaker, author, and LinkedIn video instructor. Today, Deirdre will share how to get unstuck in your messaging so you can move forward.
Successes at a glance:
Speaker, entrepreneur, podcaster and LinkedIn Instructor:
CEO of Pure Performance
Host of the Women Worldwide Podcast
Author of several books
Adjunct faculty at several top universities
Deirdre’s story:
Deirdre started off as “one of those students who figured out what they want to do early on and stuck with it.” In high school, Deirdre loved to write and her guidance counselor suggested journalism or public relations. At the time, she had never heard of or knew about PR so she decided to explore it as an option. The more she learned, the more she saw the fit. This eventually led to marketing which has led to what she is doing today with public speaking, blogging, podcasting and being a LinkedIn video instructor. Deirdre is also an adjunct, teaching communications at several top universities.
The Importance of LinkedIn:
Deirdre shares this has been one of the biggest and most innovative game changers when it comes to making important connections for your business. Deirdre engaged heavily on LinkedIn early on and was approached by Lynda-dot-com to be a contributor. Lynda was eventually acquired by LinkedIn and all of these events led Deirdre to become a video instructor for the education platform, LinkedIn Learning. Deirdre credits her engagement with LinkedIn as the catalyst for the opportunities she has received for consulting, speaking, interviews, and more.
Deirdre’s big why:
To give as much as possible as a teacher in different areas; to help companies and individuals grow with communicating their messaging and brands; to help others get “unstuck,” and to make a difference.
Biggest challenge today:
Time. There’s always so much you want to do and realistically only so much you can do. As an entrepreneur, the tendency is to try to do everything yourself.
Moving forward past that challenge:
Find the right people, delegate, trust and build your teams wisely. Having a virtual assistant has been a huge help for this.
Knowledge bursts:
Best tip or recommendation for working with a virtual assistant:
For any relationship, what you invest is what you get out of it. Offer that little extra to help your VA to help you. This starts by establishing a trusting relationship based on transparency and communication.
Best tip for being clearer with your branding and messaging:
“Fix it before you move forward.” If you want to be clearer about your messaging or mission, make sure you know how people feel about you; understand that before you try to engage.
Practice or habit that runs counter to conventional wisdom but works well for you:
Spending too much time with students, being a big giver. Deirdre gives and gives her time to students around the world. Most would say this is a time suck, but it makes Deirdre feel good and she can’t go counter to her brand.
Small choice or activity to move forward:
Making sure to focus on a healthy mind, body, and soul. This is a daily devotion that she reinforces thru books like The Miracle Morning.
Support the Podcast:
The Corporate Cliches Adult Coloring Book: makes the perfect stocking stuffer or white elephant gift.
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Try out Amazon Prime (affiliate link).
Who is Deirdre in five years:
Deirdre is the modern communicator who has reinvented herself and others thru the most current platform. To that end, Women Worldwide will be a large part of this: the podcast will evolve into a community and a network of women who are finding their voice and helping, giving to others.
Parting wisdom:
“Show up every day and be present and have good intentions and really get out of your comfort zone so that you can experience more of yourself and when you do that you’re going to be able to really share your talent and give to others.”