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Ronnie Macadaeg is an attorney, social entrepreneur and founder of Elevate, a company connecting students with industry leaders and career pathways. Today, Rondine will share how she is moving a generation of students forward.
Successes at a glance:
Attorney and social entrepreneur.
Founder of Elevate, connecting students to industry leaders, helping them find career pathways.
Rondine’s story:
Rondine discovered her career calling early on. At age 7, she stood up on her family’s coffee table and proclaimed that she was going to be a business attorney! Rondine’s parents were avid readers and she got inspired by the back book jacket of a legal thriller. While Rondine had a clear vision of her career, the path was circuitous. She went to school in the Philipines and moved to California during her high school years. The transition was tough. Back in the Philipines, Rondine was accepted to the most prestigious colleges but coming here, she had to start over: make new friends, understand the American education system and work to put herself thru school. It took Rondine a long time but she was committed to it and made it happen. During law school, Rondine had an epiphany. She wanted to learn as much as she could but eventually, she wanted to help more than one client at a time. This is when the social entrepreneur bug bit, forever shaping her future career decisions. Rondine practiced law, doing real estate, complex commercial litigation and more. Along the way, Rondine started a non-profit organization and eventually, a for-profit company, Elevate.
Rondine’s big why:
Rondine’s big why is to help underrepresented communities and young people find career pathways.
Biggest challenge today:
Rondine’s main goal is to transform young minds around the concept of success. The biggest challenge is to be able to communicate to a young person the power that they have yet to discover within themselves.
Moving forward past that challenge:
Rodine is constantly working with academic institutions and organizations, focusing on stress reduction, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. The key is understanding that today’s youth are hyper-stressed and to approach that with mindfulness. The end goal is to help build confidence and instill a growth mindset.
Knowledge bursts:
Best gift to give for under $30:
Time: when you celebrate with someone, focus the time on the other person. It doesn’t have to be anything complex or fancy. A walk or sitting with someone can be meaningful.
A practice or habit that goes against conventional wisdom but works well for you:
Not being so busy: Rondine clears her mind and heart space to be more creative is to slow down. Don’t be busy. Be within. Make the time, schedule it to meditate or have time for yourself.
How Rondine is moving forward today:
Reach out, ask for business and a close.
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Who is Rondine in five years?:
Me and a better version of me: more reach, more talent, more impactful ability to connect really quickly so they can transform.
Parting wisdom:
“Whatever your dream is, if you’re really committed to it, then it deserves all the action and all the inspired ideas and courage to go after it.”