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Moving Forward celebrates its 100th episode with 10 extraordinary past guests who are returning to share their 2017 knowledge bursts in 5 areas: story, career, social media / content, networking and mindset.

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: Focus on the why. For screenwriters, it’s extremely important that you understand the why which is key to telling a compelling story. For entrepreneurs and businesses, understanding the why is critical to creating a narrative that is compelling to your market. Understand the why of your customers and you will have the power to create a story around your product or service that can sell.
Connect w/ Jen: The Jen Grisanti Consultancy | Twitter | Facebook
Learn more about Jen’s extraordinary story:

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: When creating a visual image, you have to engage with the viewer. In Doug’s industry, if a visual is pretty but doesn’t hold a compelling story, it’s a failure. Your viewer has to have a sense of where you’re leading him or her. So don’t just post a pretty picture on social media. Create something that engages, compels and draws your viewer in. Use text, light, contours and other visual cues to grab your audience and make them want to learn more.
Connect w/ Doug: You can view Doug’s artwork on his Facebook page (sorry, but he can’t accept any friend requests at this time as he is filled to capacity!) or at his art station page.
Learn more about Doug’s extraordinary story:

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: The first seven seconds of any meeting can be daunting. The key is not to focus on those first seven seconds. Remember two key things: 1) breathe. Don’t be afraid to take a pause and take a deep breath before engaging or interacting with someone, especially if it’s someone you admire. 2) Remember, the person you are talking to admires or looks up to someone else. Imagine if he or she is meeting that person for the first time. They will get nervous just like everyone else! Keep in perspective that we all admire and look up to someone and we all get nervous at the prospect of meeting them. So don’t focus on the first seven seconds, focus on being present and let your best self shine.
Connect w/ Isabella: Wu & Clivilez | Contact | BWu & Clivilez Facebook | TWu & Clivilez Twitter | Wu & Clivilez Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram
Learn more about Isabella’s extraordinary story:
Social Media / Content:

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: The key to branding is understanding two things: 1) what do people think of you? A good exercise is to have people you know write down their impressions of you on a piece of paper (one or two words). Collect them all and read them. 2) think about what you’re trying to convey? Are you positioning yourself as an expert in a certain area? Now, take steps 1 and 2 and compare. If there’s a gap between them, then you need to consider how your brand is or isn’t working for you. Branding is all about understanding who you are in this world. If you don’t understand that, then don’t pass go. Finally, be able to define your purpose, who your market is and how you’re going to solve your market’s need or want. A good exercise that Leonard shares is being able to state all of this in one paragraph, then reduce it to a few sentences and so forth. When you can boil down all of this in less than three words then you have the foundation to build your brand.
Connect w/ Leonard:
Website | InfluenceTree | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Pinterest | G+ | Quora | Medium
Learn more about Leonard’s extraordinary story:

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: The key to standing out in 2017 is long form content or “pillar articles.” Make sure you are using long form content to rank higher in Google searches. Overdeliver when it comes to the content you’re putting out there. To stay a step ahead of the competition, Mary shares these incredible tips: 1) update your content regularly. Fresh is the name of the game, 2) keep the URL and slug the same as you update, but change the date. This way the content will appear new but still retain all of the shares and hits that it did in its prior version.
Connect w/ Mary: Mary’s website | OptinMonster | Persuasion Nation Mastermind Facebook Group | Twitter
Learn more about Mary’s extraordinary story:

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: when it comes to building and cultivating your network in 2017, list out the areas that you want to improve and grow in and then assess your current connections. May shares this incredible tool for doing a network gap analysis: map out your network by putting your name in the middle and drawing branches to everyone in your network. Then group by the aforementioned list of areas that you want to improve on. This visual aid will allow you to determine where to put your time and energy to grow your network in a smart way.
Learn more about May’s extraordinary story:

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: If you are going to create content that resonates and connects with people, make sure you stay consistent. As Joseph shares, it’s not about having one great thing to say or message to share at one particular time. It’s about staying consistent, meaning if you have a podcast, a blog or video series, keep producing content and keep to a schedule. Building a library of content over time is what will resonate with an audience and keep them coming back for more. In addition, Joseph makes it a point to connect with each and every person that reaches out to him. Although this is not easy when you have a huge following as Joseph does, taking the time to do so provides that intimate one-on-one connection.
Connect w/ Joseph: The Joseph Bonner Show (on iHeartRadio) | Facebook | G+ | LinkedIn | Twitter | Contact | The Joseph Bonner Reports | The Joseph Bonner Reports Twitter
Learn more about Joseph’s extraordinary story:

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: if you are going to make that entrepreneurial leap in 2017, know that it is a long game. This isn’t about a quick buck or fast results. Building a successful company takes time, grit and determination. If you want to succeed, you have to be driven by a purpose beyond simply making money. For Carol that purpose is smarter energy solutions for companies which drives a larger goal of providing sustainable, affordable energy to underdeveloped and impoverished nations.
Connect w/ Carol: RAISE Global Services | RAISE Energy Solutions | LinkedIn | Twitter (RAISE Global)
Learn more about Carol’s extraordinary story:

Moving Forward Knowledge Burst: if you are suffering from anxiety from public speaking or giving a presentation in front of a large crowd, Ian suggests several great tips. First, before you go on stage, it’s helpful to know how large your audience is. This will allow you to mentally set the right expectations. Second, when you’re on stage, if you’re feeling anxious or nervous, focus on your breathing. This will help quiet the mind. Third, make an interpersonal connection with your audience. You can do this by engaging in eye contact and/or focusing on the positive signals that an audience member may be sharing with you such as a smile or nod. Even if the interpersonal connection is only a few brief seconds, you will be better engage with your audience.
Connect w/ Ian:
Ian’s website | Fortune | Quora | Medium | Leaderonomics | About me | Twitter | Empact
Learn more about Ian’s extraordinary story:
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