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MF 086 : Unleashing Your Big Impact Vision, with Conscious Millionaire Founder, J. V. Crum, III šŸŒŸ

Writer: John LimJohn Lim

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

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J.V. Crum, III is a serial entrepreneur, founder of the Conscious Millionaire InstituteĀ and author of the best selling, ā€˜Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business By Making a Differenceā€˜ and host of the hit podcast, Conscious Millionaire.Ā Ā Today, J.V. will teach you a system for finding and unleashing your big impact vision so you can move forward in a big way!

Successes at a Glance:

  1. Founder, Conscious Millionaire: a coaching service designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners grow their businesses, generate scale, increase profits and to make a difference:

    1. Author of the best selling book,Ā ā€˜Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business By Making a Differenceā€˜

    2. Host of two hit podcasts under theĀ Conscious MillionaireĀ brand:

      1. Conscious Millionaire Podcast

      2. Conscious Millionaire Health

    3. Columnist for The Huffington Post.

  2. Will be featured in the upcoming film, Rise Up.

  3. Achieved his first million at age 25.

  4. Trained in NLP.

How J. V.Ā gets inspired to conquerĀ the day:

J. V. gets his inspiration (and immense joy) from helping people. Ā J. V. createdĀ Conscious Millionaire to helpĀ business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, move forward by enabling them to grow their profits and scale. Ā At the heart of this is a desire to do something that matters; helpingĀ the people he coaches but also by encouraging them to doĀ good in the world with the profits and success they achieve. Ā You can hear in J. V.ā€™s voice, the positive energy and excitement he gets from knowing that heā€™s helping someone whoseĀ product or service is reaching and benefiting many customers. Ā This is J. V.ā€™s definition of what it means to be a ā€œconscious millionaire;ā€ providing others the means and the tools to move forward.

Setback or failure that led to pivot and shift:

Early on, J. V. had built a hugely successful trucking business with 6-figure monthly profits. Ā By age 25 J. V. Ā had reached a pinnacle of success: he had made his first million, was living in a beautiful four-story house on the waterfront, taking trips to Europe and driving a Mercedes. Ā  However, by age 26, the economy had tanked in one of the worst recessions in decades. Ā The economy hit his business hard and as a ā€œnumber guys,ā€ J. V. calculated that the incoming offers to pull trucking lines couldnā€™t cover his variable costs. Ā To illustrate how bad it was, J. V. decided it was cheaper to let his 50 trucks sit and do nothing for three months than to take on jobs at a loss! Ā Things got so bad that J. V. nearly lost everything: he moved out of his home and couldnā€™t sell his car because he was financially ā€œupside down.ā€ Ā However, J. V. had one asset in his corner above all else that allowed him to stay afloat: a stellar reputation. Ā Because of this, J. V. was able to negotiate withĀ the banks and his suppliers, to provide the capital resources he needed; all the while knowing he wasnā€™t in a position to pay them back anytime soon. Ā Within two years, J. V. was able to rebuild his business and not only move back into his home but fully pay it off. Ā In reflecting on this roller coaster period in his life, J. V. shares one word that kept him moving forward: perseverance. Ā No matter what is going on in your life or business, no matter what setbacks and failures you face, perseverance will get you thru it. Ā Moving Forward listeners, J. V. Crum III had it all at age 25, only to see it almost all disappear within the next year. Ā The key to his success was two-fold: 1)Ā perseverance: knowing that he had the power to get thru this; 2) acceptance that there is no shame in being broke. Ā Because of these two elements, J. V. not only came back, he succeeded bigger and better than he had before. Ā Do you have perseverance in your life? Ā Do you have the vision to know that no matter how tough things may get, no matter how bad the setback(s) you may face, that you have the power to see it thru? Ā Do you also have the self-awareness to know that there is no shame in failure or being broke? Ā This is how we find success, but moreover, how we endure the tough times so that we pivot, rebuild and move forward.

Knowledge Bursts:

  1. Resource orĀ cultural experience that inspired J. V.Ā to move forward:

    1. Abundance by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler (Paperback | Kindle) and their follow-up bookĀ BoldĀ (Paperback | Kindle): these books remind usĀ that the world is becoming more abundant, despite the negative media messages we are bombarded with everyday. Ā As J. V. shares, there are enormous opportunities for us to create our own media and make a positive footprint in the world.

    2. Get a free copy of ā€˜Conscious Millionaire.ā€™

  2. How J. V.Ā stays organized and manages his time:

    1. J. V. uses a prioritization system that he covers in chapter 6 of his book (ā€˜Conscious Millionaireā€˜): 1) map out no more than three priorities for the day (itā€™s ok to have just one), 2) choose the result you want to achieve by the end of the day, 3) list the focused actions that will get you there. Ā While most of us focus on ā€œto do lists,ā€ J. V. focuses on a ā€œwhat I want to achieveā€ list and reverse engineersĀ the stepsĀ to get there.

  3. Favorite app / website / resource or productivity hack:

    1. LeadPages: create beautiful landing pages and opt-ins.

    2. ClickFunnels: build an optimized, user-friendly marketing funnel.

    3. ScheduleOnce: online scheduler for appointments.

  4. J. V. gets the knowledge burstĀ šŸŒŸ!

Support the Podcast:

  1. The Corporate Cliches Adult Coloring Book: makes the perfect stocking stuffer or white elephant gift.

  2. Try out Audible (affiliate link).

  3. Try out Amazon Prime (affiliate link).

J. V.ā€™s Advice for you to Move Forward:

J. V. shares with you the three parts to having a big impact vision. First, ask yourself what are you deeply passionate about? Ā J. V. breaks down this question into three components. 1) the activity that youā€™re passionate about is one that you get so involved with that you ā€œbecome oneā€ with it. Ā The litmus test is when you are enjoying something so much you think only 30 minutes have passed when in fact fours hours have gone by. Ā 2) You go through a state change when you engage in this activity that causes immense joy; the type of joy where someone will notice and say ā€œwow you look really different.ā€ Ā 3) You love this activity so much youā€™ve been doing it for free without realizing that you can charge money for it. Ā Second, identify your purpose. Ā J. V. likens purpose to a gold coin. Ā One side will simply say ā€œpurpose.ā€ Ā The flipside will say ā€œthe difference you want to make.ā€ Ā Ultimately, your purpose will not be about you, it will be about someone or something else. Ā J. V. recommends that you journal about your passion and your purpose. Ā Third, as youā€™re identifying your passion and then your purpose, you will identifyĀ your core strengths are: the things you do so naturally, you donā€™t even have think about it. Ā Moving Forward listeners, J. V. Crum, III has just provided you with the blueprint for the big impact vision that he has used to achieve astronomical success and to help others do the same. Ā Are you ready to pivot and do what you were put on this Earth to do? Ā Find your passion, discover your purpose, identify those core strengths and start moving forward today.

Connect with J. V.:



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